Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change News

Climate Change Report Paints Portrait of Dystopian Future

A major climate change report issued over the weekend offers dire predictions, a call to action to government and industry and it assesses the blame for a rapidly changing and more volatile world on mankind. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel …

Opening Statement by IPCC Chairman Pachauri at New York Climate Summit

Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of the IPCC, made the following statement to the delegates at the opening ceremony of the UN Climate Summit in New York today: Good morning. I salute His Excellency the Secretary-General for organizing this landmark event. …

Lloyd’s U.S. Chief on Board with Climate Change

Despite risking offense to non-believers, Hank Watkins didn’t hesitate when he was asked if climate change was upon us. Watkins, president of Lloyd’s America, talked about an extensive report Lloyd’s of London just released, “Catastrophe Modeling and Climate Change.” “Everybody …

Report: Warming Likely to Make Bad Things Worse

Many of the ills of the modern world — starvation, poverty, flooding, heat waves, droughts, war and disease — are likely to worsen as the world warms from man-made climate change, a leaked draft of an international scientific report forecasts. …

Study: Due to Rising Sea Levels, Small Storms Could Produce Significant Flooding

Almost a year after Superstorm Sandy, parts of New York and New Jersey are still recovering from billions of dollars in flood damage. And a new study says that in the future, storms smaller than Sandy may be able to …

Rising Sea Levels Ranked as Greatest Climate Change Threat: Guy Carpenter

Guy Carpenter & Company has an analysis of the evolving risk landscape spurred by global warming, which stresses that “climate change, global warming and the resulting landscape shift for risk management is a growing area of concern among governments, the …

UN Report Finds World Climate Change Goal at Risk as Emissions Surge

A global goal for limiting climate change is slipping out of reach and governments may have to find ways to artificially suck greenhouse gases from the air if they fail to make deep cuts in rising emissions by 2030, a …