International Air Transport Association (IATA) News

What Is GPS Jamming and Why Is It an Aviation Problem?

Estonia has accused neighboring Russia of jamming GPS navigation devices in airspace above the Baltic states, echoing concerns from airlines that say they have been contending with such interference for months. Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna’s accusation, for which he …

Last Year Was Safest Ever to Fly, With No Jetliner Fatalities

Last year was the safest ever for commercial flying by a number of measures, the airline industry’s global lobby said, with no fatal accidents involving passenger jets in 37.7 million flights. No hull losses to passenger jets were recorded either, …

Russia Behind Spike in European GPS Jamming, Baltic General Says

Russia is likely behind an increase in instances of jamming satellite signals used by airlines, smartphones and weapons systems in eastern Europe, according to a senior Baltic military commander. Martin Herem, the commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, pointed the …

Aviation Sector Sees No Quick Tech Solution to GPS ‘Spoofing’ Interference Problem

Global regulators, aviation security specialists and manufacturers failed to reach an agreement on a quick technical fix to the problem of GPS spoofing near war zones at a meeting on Thursday [Jan. 25], instead calling for better training of pilots …

Airline Industry to Meet to Discuss Safety Concerns Around Spike in GPS Spoofing

Global aviation industry leaders will meet in January to discuss safety concerns around increased GPS interference by cyberattackers steering planes off course, an International Air Transport Association executive said on Wednesday. Global Positioning System (GPS) spoofing has spiked in recent …

Airlines Seek WHO Approval of Quarantine-Free Travel After Vaccines

The airline industry has called on the World Health Organization to rule it’s safe for people to fly without quarantining once they’ve had a coronavirus vaccine. Acknowledgement of that principle from the United Nations agency is vital to the development …

Insurers, Regulators Warn About Safety of Jets Reactivated After Pandemic Storage

SYDNEY – Regulators, insurers and experts are warning airlines to take extra care when reactivating planes left in extended storage during the COVID-19 pandemic, citing potential pilot rustiness, maintenance errors and even insect nests blocking key sensors. The unprecedented number …

Momentum Is Building for Pre-Flight COVID-19 Airport Testing

Even as the race to approve and distribute COVID-19 vaccines is entering its final stretch, parts of the travel industry are sprinting to a different finish line: airport testing. In hubs large and small, from JFK to Boston to Frankfurt, …

An Emerging Risk of COVID-19 Pandemic: Rusty Pilots Making Flying Errors

On Sept. 15, an Indonesian flight carrying 307 passengers and 11 crew to the northern city of Medan momentarily veered off the runway after landing, sparking an investigation by the country’s transport safety regulator. It found the pilot had flown …

COVID Passports Could Speed Up Revival of International Travel

Global airline lobby IATA is working on a mobile app that will help travelers demonstrate their coronavirus-free status, joining a push to introduce so-called COVID passports to speed up the revival of international travel. The Travel Pass will display test …