international capital standards News

Lacking Political Support, Global Capital Rule for Insurers Stalls

The first global standard for investors to compare how much capital insurers from different countries hold to keep policies safe is caught in a transatlantic tussle, casting doubt on whether it is practical, industry and regulatory officials say. Global banks …

U.S., China Insurance Regulators Keep Open Dialogue

Regulatory representatives from the U.S. and China met this week to discuss issues facing their respective insurance markets. The meeting was held at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) New York office. According to the NAIC, they discussed retirement …

Global Insurance Regulators Postpone Tougher Capital Standards

Global insurance regulators will take more time than previously planned to address industry concerns before applying tougher capital rules to some of the largest companies they oversee. Capital rules for global insurers, known as the Insurance Capital Standard, or ICS, …

IAIS’ International Capital Standards Have Ambitious Timeline: A.M. Best

Given the potential wide-reaching impacts on pricing, products, investment strategies and the cost of capital, A.M. Best doubts that the ambitious timeline can be met to develop and implement international capital standards by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). …