International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) News

FTX Crash Injects Urgency Into Regulating Crypto Sector: Global Securities Watchdog

The crash of FTX exchange has injected greater urgency into regulating the crypto sector and targeting such ‘conglomerate’ platforms will be the focus for 2023, the new chair of global securities watchdog IOSCO said in an interview. Jean-Paul Servais said …

Securities Regulators Join Global Network to Explore SPACs

Global regulators are teaming up to explore how to regulate blank check company listings after the vehicles earlier this year became the hottest thing in finance before being hit by increased scrutiny and a surge in lawsuits from angry investors. …

Securities Regulators Back International Climate Risk Disclosure Body

Global market regulators have thrown their weight behind plans for a new international standards body for company disclosures on climate risks and sustainability, saying it would cut the scope for so-called greenwashing. The current patchwork of voluntary public and private …

Global Regulators Call for Closer Regulation of Financial Firms

Financial industry regulators need better coordination in the event of a big multinational financial institution failing or breaching compliance rules, the world’s top supervisory bodies have concluded in a survey. Arrangements for handling failures of diverse financial groups are inadequate …