Internet immunity News

Senator Graham Wants to Limit Internet Firms’ Liability Protections

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham said Tuesday he wants to limit a liability exemption treasured by internet platforms such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook Inc. if they don’t comply with industry best practices. The comments by Graham, an ally …

IBM Joins Critics Calling for Regulation of Tech Firms’ Personal Data Use

International Business Machines Corp. Chief Executive Officer Ginni Rometty joined a growing chorus of tech executives lambasting web platforms, like Google and Facebook Inc., over their collection of user data and urged governments to target regulation at those companies. Without …

Google, Facebook, Twitter Sued by Father of Victim of Paris Terrorist Attack

The father of a young woman killed in the Paris massacre last November is suing Google, Facebook and Twitter, claiming that the companies provided “material support” to extremists in violation of the law. Reynaldo Gonzalez, whose daughter Nohemi was among …