internet liability shield News

Mother of Child Who Died in TikTok ‘Blackout Challenge’ Asks Court to Revive Lawsuit

A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday wrestled with whether the video-based social media platform TikTok could be sued for causing a 10-year-old girl’s death by promoting a deadly “blackout challenge” that encouraged people to choke themselves. Members of a three-judge …

Bipartisan Bill Would End Section 230 Immunity for Generative AI

Two U.S. senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would allow social media companies to be sued for spreading harmful material created with artificial intelligence. The law would open the door for lawsuits to proceed against social media companies for claims …

Searching for Realistic Ideas That Could Help Tame Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention …

Whistleblower Tells Congress Facebook Puts Profits Over Safety, Urges Regulation

Former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen will urge the U.S. Congress on Tuesday to regulate the social media giant, which she plans to liken to tobacco companies that for decades denied that smoking damaged health, according to prepared testimony …

U.S. Chamber Urges U.S., EU to Adopt Data Privacy Shield, Halt Tariffs

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday urged the United States and European Union to quickly resolve their disputes over steel and aluminum tariffs and aircraft subsidies, and adopt a new privacy shield to better coordinate digital policy. The largest …

Internet Groups Warn Against Including Liability Shield in Trade Deals

A coalition of internet accountability groups is warning the Biden administration against including liability protections for tech companies in future trade agreements, saying that could hamstring efforts to hold platforms responsible for user content. In a letter sent to President …

Internet Firms’ Liability Protection Under Fire. 26 Words and What’s at Stake

Democrats and Republicans in Congress are taking aim at a controversial law that shields internet platforms including Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. from lawsuits over content posted by users. The measure — just 26 words known as Section 230 — …

Republicans Eye ‘Jackhammer’ to Reform Tech Liability While Democrats Grab ‘Scalpel’

Big Tech’s decisions to block some posts and videos while letting other content viewed as inflammatory proliferate have drawn the ire of Republicans and Democrats alike, raising the prospect that a 24-year-old U.S. law that fostered the internet’s explosion will …

Twitter, Facebook, Alphabet Executives to Defend Liability Shield Before Senate

The chief executives of Twitter Inc., Facebook and Alphabet Inc. will tell U.S. lawmakers at a hearing on Wednesday that a federal law protecting internet companies is crucial to free expression on the internet, according to written testimonies from the …

FCC Says It Has Authority to Change Social Media Liability Shield

The top lawyer at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said Wednesday the telecommunications regulator has legal authority to redefine the immunity shield protecting social media companies that could make it easier for users to file lawsuits challenging content removal …