Internet regulation News

U.S. Joins 55 Nations to Set New Global Rules for the Internet

The United States and 55 other nations on Thursday signed a political commitment to push rules for the internet that are underpinned by democratic values, at a time when the U.S. has accused Russia of wielding internet disruptions as a …

UK Warns Facebook Executives to Keep Users Safe or Risk Criminal Charges

UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries warned Facebook Inc. and its chiefs are on course for criminal prosecution for failing to reign in the harmful effects of its platform. “Why would we give them two years to change what they can …

Searching for Realistic Ideas That Could Help Tame Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention …

Lawmakers Introduce Liability, Competition Bills Targeting Giant Internet Firms

The biggest U.S. tech companies would face new constraints under two bills announced Thursday after a month of revelations from a Facebook Inc. whistle-blower sparked fresh calls to rein in an industry that has largely escaped regulation so far. A …

How Tech Firms From Amazon to YouTube Ban Users for Off-Site Behavior

Earlier this month, Twitch announced it would start banning users for behavior away from its site. The move by Amazon Inc.’s live-streaming platform involved hiring a law firm to conduct investigations into users’ misconduct, a new twist in the latest …

Top Biden Tech Advisor Is Critic of Internet Firms; Helped Craft California Privacy Law

President-elect Joe Biden’s top technology adviser helped craft California’s landmark online privacy law and recently condemned a controversial federal statute that protects internet companies from liability, indicators of how the Biden administration may come down on two key tech policy …

Twitter Security Failure Prompts Call for Regulating Internet Giants as Systemic Risks

Twitter Inc. suffered from cybersecurity shortfalls that enabled a “simple” hack attributed to a Florida teenager to take over the accounts of several of the world’s most famous people in July, according to a report released on Wednesday. The report …

House Antitrust Panel Blasts Big 4 Internet Firms for Abuses; Seeks Reforms, Separations

A U.S. House of Representatives panel looking into abuses of market power by four big technology companies found they used “killer acquisitions” to smite rivals, charged exorbitant fees and forced small businesses into “oppressive” contracts in the name of profit. …

In an About-Facebook, Zuckerberg Likes Internet Regulation As Way to Win Public Trust

For years, Facebook Inc. lobbied governments against imposing tough regulations, warning in some cases that they could harm the company’s business model. Now, it’s pleading for new rules for the good of its business. In a white paper published Monday, …

Facebook, Twitter, Other Internet Firms to Be Responsible for Content Under UK Plan

Britain said it would force social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Snap to do more to block or remove harmful content on their platforms. Following a consultation, the UK government said on Wednesday it planned to legislate to …