Shipping Traffic Slows at Israel’s Ports as Insurance Premiums Soar

Activity at Israel’s ports is slowing after Saturday’s attacks by Islamist group Hamas on towns close to Gaza, with the cost of insurance premiums for Israeli shipments soaring amid tightening supplies of food stocks, according to sources and data. Israel’s …

War Risk Insurance Premiums Surge for Oil Tanker Owners After Gulf Attacks

Oil tanker owners face spiraling insurance costs to load cargoes from the world’s largest crude-export region after the latest round of attacks on vessels. War risk premiums that owners pay each time they go to the Persian Gulf have now …

Insurance Rates for Crude Oil Tankers to Jump After Gulf Attacks

Oil tanker owners are turning increasingly nervous about loading cargoes from the world’s largest export region for crude after the latest round of attacks on vessels. Both owners and the companies that charter their ships paused bookings on Thursday as …

International Shipping Lanes Could Be at Risk from Escalating Yemen Conflict

Missile attacks from Yemen on Western military craft risk spilling over into nearby busy sea lanes which could disrupt oil supplies and also other vital goods passing through the tense area, shipping and insurance sources say. While shipping companies have …

Marine Insurers Cautious About Re-Entering Iran, Despite Lifting of Sanctions

Foreign oil tanker owners are expected to make a slow return to Iran despite the lifting of many sanctions as insurers tread carefully, leaving shipping players unwilling to pick up cargoes as quickly as Tehran has wanted. A nuclear deal …

Growing Yemen War Risk Threatens Vital Sea Routes; Premiums Likely to Jump

With Middle East giants Saudi Arabia and Iran squaring up on opposing sides in the Yemen war, the dangers to vital oil tanker and goods voyages are growing daily. Millions of barrels of oil pass through the Bab el-Mandeb and …