investor losses News

Why Not Much Change in Securities Class Actions?

Plaintiffs brought 85 federal class action securities cases in the first half of this year, or seven fewer than they did last year. The 85 filings in the first six months of 2015 falls 10 percent below the semiannual average …

Swiss Re CFO Warns Cat Bond Yields May Attract Inexperienced Buyers

Swiss Re’s new Chief Financial Officer, David Cole, said high yields for insurance-linked securities [ILS], such as catastrophe bonds, may lure inexperienced buyers not prepared for the risks they carry. “The fact that no major natural catastrophes have occurred over …

Madoff Trustee’s Loss Formula Upheld

A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday upheld a method developed by the trustee liquidating Bernard Madoff’s firm for determining how to calculate investor losses, handing a defeat to so-called “net winners.” The trustee, Irving Picard, has argued that investor losses …