Iowa Premium beef plant News

Iowa Beef Plant Fine After Coronavirus Outbreak: $957

Iowa regulators have issued their first citation to a meatpacking plant with a large coronavirus outbreak that sickened its workforce — a $957 fine for a minor record-keeping violation. The outbreak at the Iowa Premium Beef Plant in Tama in …

Iowa Beef Plant Reopens After 177 Workers Test Positive for Virus

An Iowa beef processing plant that was idled after a coronavirus outbreak resumed production Monday, one day after the state said 177 workers there have tested positive. The Iowa Premium plant in Tama, owned by National Beef, had suspended production …

Tyson Foods: 2 Iowa Pork Plant Employees Dead After Virus Outbreak

Two employees have died following a coronavirus outbreak that has sickened scores of Tyson Foods workers at a large pork plant in southeastern Iowa, the company said. The deaths of the workers at Tyson plant in Columbus Junction are the …