Iowa News

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Security Guards Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group’s program for security guard firms has been expanded to include limits up to $5 million. This broad coverage includes: general liability, excess/umbrella liability, workers’ compensation, property, auto and first and third party dishonesty …

My New Markets

Security Guards Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group’s program for security guard firms has been expanded to include limits up to $5 million. Coverage includes general liability, excess/umbrella liability, workers’ compensation, property, auto, and first- and third-party dishonesty. Coverage is underwritten …

My New Markets

Security Guards Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group’s program for security guard firms has been expanded to include limits up to $5 million. Coverage includes general liability, excess/umbrella liability, workers’ compensation, property, auto, and first- and third-party dishonesty. Coverage is underwritten …

Editor’s Note: Jackpot justice

Few political issues get the business community’s attention like tort reform. Not surprisingly, business owners do not like to be sued any more than they like paying higher insurance costs fueled by lawsuits. One of the most influential business lobbies, …

Report: Calif., Minn., N.J., N.C. Have Worst Traffic; N.D., S.C. Have Best Roads

Nearly 52 percent of U.S. urban Interstates are now congested and traffic fatality rates rose slightly, but road surface conditions and bridge conditions improved, according to the Reason Foundation’s latest annual highway performance report. “Gridlock isn’t going away,” said David …

Iowa Hawkeye Honors Agencies with 2006 Chairman’s Award

Iowa-based Hawkeye-Security Insurance, a member of Liberty Mutual Group’s Agency Markets business unit, recently recognized its highest performing agencies with the 2006 Chairman’s Award at meetings held in Kauai, Hawaii. Agencies earn the award when they achieve size, growth, and …

FEMA Says No to Iowa Request for Federal Disaster

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver’s request for federal aid to help eastern Iowa recover from a tornado earlier this month has been denied. The twister hit June 1, causing an estimated $2.7 million in damage as it churned a path of …

Ohio 3rd State to Reject Cases Against Paint Manufacturers

Ohio is the third state this month where courts have rejected the lawsuits by parents whose children were made sick by lead paint against the companies that might have made the paint. The state is the third this month where …

R. Waters Joins Liberty Mutual as Senior Account Executive for Midwest

Boston-based Liberty Mutual recently announced that Raymond Waters has joined the company as a senior account executive for its Major Accounts Division. Waters will be based in Chicago, with responsibilities for meeting the insurance needs of large companies throughout the …

Paint Makers’ Liability Setback in R.I. Offset by Wins in Other States

When Rhode Island won what could be a multibillion-dollar verdict against former lead paint manufacturers last year, advocates hoped the victory would trigger a wave of successful lawsuits against the industry. But two recent court decisions in New Jersey and …