Iowa News

Insurance Services Office: Iowa’s Storm Damage Reaches $235 Million

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently released estimated damages for Iowa since it was hit in May by devasting tornadoes and widespread flooding. ISO estimates that tornadoes and floods that have struck Iowa since May 25 have caused $235 million …

Captive Ratings: American Road, First Beacon, Toyota Motor, Agrinational

A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of ‘B++’ (Good) and issuer credit rating of “bbb” of The American Road Insurance Company (TARIC), but with negative outlooks. “The ratings reflect TARIC’s excellent capitalization level, history of positive operating …

Davenport Estimates Flood Damage at Nearly $4.5 Million

Davenport, Iowa city officials estimate that they will be forced to spend nearly $4.5 million on flood damages, clean up and future protection efforts. The Mississippi River is still swollen at the eastern Iowa city and has yet to reveal …

Levees Hold Back Cresting Mississippi River; Aid Requests Mount

Walls and levees held back the cresting Mississippi River Sunday as requests for government aid poured in from homeowners and businesses swamped by the worst Midwest flooding in 15 years. Across from St. Louis, where the river remained near the …

Iowa Bridge Inspectors Look for Damage as Flood Waters Recede

The floodwaters that have surged across much of Iowa this month have inspectors looking for damage to the state’s already troubled bridge network. The flooding concerns come after a study earlier this year ranked Iowa bridges fourth worst in the …

Iowa Agents in Flooded Areas Meet the Challenges

Midwest agents with offices located in flooded areas are facing the challenge of “staying afloat,” so to speak, during the devastation of what some have called the 500 year flood event. One Iowa agency, Millhiser-Smith Agency Inc., located in hard …

Iowa Governor Says Special Legislative Flood Session Very LIkely

Iowa lawmakers are making arrangements for a near-certain special session to address flooding damage across the state, and some say an increase in the state’s gas tax may be on the table. Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, a Council Bluffs …

Iowa Scout Camp Hit by Tornado Closes, Insurance Adjusters Tour Site

Officials with the Boy Scouts of America say the Little Sioux Scout Ranch in western Iowa will be closed for the summer following a deadly tornado that hit it on June 11. Four Boy Scouts were killed and nearly 50 …

Illinois, Missouri Residents Prepare for Floods with Sandbags, Sweat

Hundreds of volunteers stacked sandbags atop a levee in small Missouri towns on the evening of June 18, hoping the extra few feet of protection would save the town from record-level flood crests expected to hit this week. National Guardsmen, …

Analyst Sees U.S. Insurers’ Q2 Hurt by Flood Claims

A group of insurers who cover farmers in the event of catastrophe-driven losses are facing their worst claims in 15 years due to flooding in the Midwest, said a Lehman Brothers analyst, who cut second-quarter earnings estimates on some of …