ipcc News

Climate Report: ‘Low- to No-Snow’ Will Worsen Water Shortages in U.S. West

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change this week distributed the final draft of the Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report to governments, in one of the final stages of preparations before IPCC member countries consider this report …

Concerned Scientists Outline What U.S. Should Do to Deal with Climate Change

Six insurers have ruled out Arctic refuge drilling, according to a report out this week from the Gwich’in Steering Committee. The Gwich’in are the northernmost Indian Nation living in 15 villages scattered across an area from northeast Alaska to the …

The IPCC Climate Change Report and Implications for Insurers

A report out earlier this week from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change doesn’t say a whole lot about insurance, but the implications for the industry are hard to ignore. Chief among those implications is the possibility that society will …

Climate Change Exposes U.S. Infrastructure to Natural Hazards, Rand Corp. Says

Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part column. A follow up column will focus on how catastrophe modelers are being asked to create products that take into account potential climate change impacts. A report out this week from …

Scientist Closer to Making Climate Modeling More Accurate

A University of Wisconsin professor believes she’s come up with a way to remove some of the uncertainty in modeling, and she thinks her findings will help scientists and modelers more accurately take into account the impacts of climate change. …

How Another Country’s Insurance Industry Is Facing Climate Change

Tim Grafton, chief executive of the Insurance Council of New Zealand, lives in a country surrounded by risk on all sides, and he’s unabashed in his efforts to use flooding events, frequent storms or other out-of-the-usual weather phenomenon as opportunities …

Climate Change Report Paints Portrait of Dystopian Future

A major climate change report issued over the weekend offers dire predictions, a call to action to government and industry and it assesses the blame for a rapidly changing and more volatile world on mankind. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel …

Lloyd’s U.S. Chief on Board with Climate Change

Despite risking offense to non-believers, Hank Watkins didn’t hesitate when he was asked if climate change was upon us. Watkins, president of Lloyd’s America, talked about an extensive report Lloyd’s of London just released, “Catastrophe Modeling and Climate Change.” “Everybody …

New Antarctic Ice Shelf Threatened by Global Warming

Scientists are predicting the disappearance of another vast ice shelf in Antarctica by the end of the century that will accelerate rising sea levels. The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf fringing the Weddell Sea on the eastern side of Antarctica has so …

Plan Now for Climate-related Disasters Warns U.N. Report

A future on Earth of more extreme weather and rising seas will require better planning for natural disasters to save lives and limit deepening economic losses, the United Nations said on Wednesday in a major report on the effects of …