Irene News

Forecast: Few Insured for Irene’s Losses in Connecticut

Only about 30 percent of property losses inflicted by Tropical Storm Irene in Connecticut will be covered by insurance, according to an estimate by a consulting group that said less will be covered compared to previous storms in part because …

Irene Losses Won’t Trigger Policy Payouts – CCRIF

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced that, “while Hurricane Irene resulted in registered losses in six of its member countries (Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Haiti, St. Kitts & Nevis and the Turks & Caicos Islands), none …

P/C Industry ‘Adequately Capitalized’ Says Best, Despite Irene Losses

A.M. Best has begun an assessment of the potential financial impact Hurricane Irene’s passage through the Caribbean and up the East coast of the U.S. might have on the property/casualty industry in the U.S., Caribbean as well as the global …

AIR Estimates Irene Insured Caribbean Losses at $500 Million to $1.1 Billion

AIR Worldwide has estimated that insured losses in the Caribbean from Hurricane Irene will be between $500 million and $1.1 billion. AIR said it “expects the Bahamas will account for more than 60 percent of the insured loss—between $300 million …

Irene Causes Extensive Property Damage on Smaller Islands in the Bahamas

Large and powerful Hurricane Irene roared across the Bahamas archipelago on Wednesday, knocking down trees and destroying homes on a path that officials said posed the greatest threat to the country’s smaller, less-populated islands. There were no immediate reports of …

Threat of Irene Exposes New York’s Vulnerability

In the annals of natural disasters, it doesn’t get much worse than a major hurricane directly striking New York City and Long Island. Hurricane Irene is on a course that will take it up the East Coast from the weekend. …

Hurricanes May Be Catalyst for Insurance Rate Increases

Hurricane Irene, threatening to become the first hurricane to hit the United States in three years, could be the catalyst the insurance industry has been seeking in its quest for across-the-board premium increases after years of weakness. Like speculators in …

Hurricane Irene – 1st of the Season – Could Hit Miami

Tropical Storm Irene strengthened into a hurricane as it came ashore over Puerto Rico, reaching category 1, according to the most recent bulletin, released at 5:00 AM AST, from the National Hurricane Center in Miami. The center of Hurricane Irene …