Islamic Republic News

Marine Insurers Cautious About Re-Entering Iran, Despite Lifting of Sanctions

Foreign oil tanker owners are expected to make a slow return to Iran despite the lifting of many sanctions as insurers tread carefully, leaving shipping players unwilling to pick up cargoes as quickly as Tehran has wanted. A nuclear deal …

Factbox – International Firms Rush to Establish Position in Iran as Sanctions Lift

Major international companies are rushing to establish a position in Iran as the Islamic Republic re-opens for business after the lifting of international sanctions. Up for grabs is access to a market with 80 million people and annual output of …

Foreign Insurers Take Cautious Look at Iran Business in Wake of Nuclear Deal

Western and Middle East insurance specialists see Iran as an appealing $8 billion market in the wake of its nuclear deal with world powers, though uncertainty over when sanctions on Tehran will be lifted means they are treating the country …

Iran Accord Would End Sanctions on Many Industries Including Re/Insurance

Iran and world powers reached a historic accord designed to prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons in return for ending sanctions that have crippled the nation’s economy and slashed its oil exports. Here are some of the key …