Islamic State News

Europe Terrorist Attacks in 2015 ‘Most Lethal’ in Nearly a Decade: Aon Risk Map

As terrorists increasingly target private citizens and public gatherings, last year marked the most lethal year for terrorist violence in Europe in nearly a decade, according to Aon Risk Solutions’ 2016 Terrorism and Political Violence Map. As a result of …

Islamic Militants Could Target Nuclear Industry, Security Experts Warn

Meter-thick concrete walls and 1950s-style analog control rooms help protect nuclear plants from bomb attacks and computer hackers, but Islamist militants are turning their attention to the atomic industry’s weak spots, security experts say. Concerns about nuclear terrorism rose after …

Re/Insurers Must Respond to Evolving Terrorist Risk with Relevant Products: JLT

The re/insurance industry is failing to respond to the growing global terrorist threat with products that meet the needs of their clients, according to a report published by JLT Re and JLT Specialty Ltd. Indeed, evidence that insurance has absorbed …

EU Security Chiefs Warn that Terrorist Attacks Highly Likely in Europe

Islamic State and other militants are very likely to attempt big new attacks in Europe following those in Paris, the EU’s police agency said on Monday, echoing previous warnings by senior security officials. The assessment was based on discussions concluded …

Islamic State’s Business Model Must Be Disrupted: Bloomberg Editorial

What it means for a European nation and member of NATO to declare war against a stateless band of terrorists is an interesting and important question, made urgent by Islamic State’s brutal attack on Paris last Friday. As Europe and …

UK’s Chancellor of Exchequer to Double Budget to Fight Cyber Terrorism

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced he’ll double funding to strengthen the U.K.’s cyber defenses, while refusing to confirm that budget cuts to be announced next week would spare Britain’s police forces, as Europe braces for further attacks from …

Global Acts of Terrorism Cost $52.9 Billion in 2014 – Highest Price Since 9/11

In the wake of Friday’s massacre in Paris, a new report says the world is paying the highest price for terrorism since the 2001 attack on New York’s Twin Towers. In 2014, acts of terror cost the world $52.9 billion …

Russian Air Crash Bomb Theories Highlight Insider Threat to Aviation Security

The possibility that Islamic terrorists smuggled a bomb onto a Russian jet flying home from Egypt highlights a new area of worry for aviation security: the insider threat. Instead of focusing on a small cadre of al-Qaeda forces trying to …

Cyber Attacks Bring New Clients – Including Insurers – to Defense Firms

A broadening wave of cyber attacks is drumming up new clients for defense companies as anxiety about the loss of sensitive data spreads from military chiefs to company bosses. Banks, utilities and media groups are the new customers of defense …

Tennessee Music Venue Site Hacked by Possible Islamic Militants

Authorities in Tennessee say a group said to support the Islamic State militant group hacked the website of a popular Nashville music venue. Multiple news outlets report the website for the Douglas Corner Cafe was hacked by Team System DZ, …