Israel News

News Briefs

MASSACHUSETTS Health Insurance Rates Rising: The state’s largest health insurers say most Massachusetts companies and their workers will see increases of 10 percent or more in their health insurance premiums beginning next year. The expected increase would follow five consecutive …

Harvard Developing Uniform Apology Policy for Boston Hospitals

Some of Harvard Medical School’s top teaching hospitals may add a lesson for their doctors: how to say sorry. A national specialist on patient safety, Dr. Lucian Leape, has led a group of physicians, patients, and hospital executives in drafting …

U.S. Rep. Seeks to Halt Denial of Insurance Due to Travel Plans

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., was outraged when she applied for additional life insurance and was denied because she might travel to Israel at some unspecified point. So now she’s planning to file a bill to prevent the practice. …

N.Y. Congressional Delegation Urges Renewal of Terrorism Insurance

Twnety-one bipartisan members of Congress from New York have signed a letter urging quick action on renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, which the Bush Administration has opposed in its current form. A day after Treasury Secretary John Snow …

AIR’s Mediterranean Region Earthquake Model Now Available in CLASIC/2

AIR Worldwide Corp. (AIR) announced its Mediterranean Region Earthquake Model is now available in its detailed risk modeling software system, CLASIC/2. The update enables European primary insurers, brokers, and reinsurers to more accurately estimate earthquake losses by incorporating risk specific …

OPIC Approves $250 Million Political Risk Policy for Israeli Pipeline; Credits Aspen Institute

The board of directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) announced the approval of $250 million in political risk insurance for the construction of a 65-mile pipeline that will serve as the centerpiece of Israel’s natural gas system. OPIC …

Lame Duck and Coverage

Between now and the next time Insurance Journal publishes, Americans will have made their choice for president. Judging from the last national election, the polls will have closed but the counting of the votes might still be underway. With the …

NAMIC: Post-Election Priority – Extension of TRIA

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act’s (TRIA) hard end date of Dec. 31 poses a huge problem for commercial insurance policies taking effect on or after Jan.1, 2005, as the end of the typical one-year policy will extend beyond the sunset …

XL Appoints Wolovnick Senior VP of Operations

Bermuda’s XL Capital Ltd announced the appointment of Evelyn R. Wolovnick as senior vice president and head of Global Sales and Marketing for its insurance operations. In her newly created position, Wolovnick will be responsible for integrating global insurance sales …

HIP of N.Y. Acquires ConnectiCare

HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP) has acquired ConnectiCare Holding Company (ConnectiCare) in a transaction that unites the companies, The parties say thed eal allows for regional growth while retaining local autonomy. HIP, a private, not-for-profit managed care company, …