Israel News

PIANY Long Island RAP 2003 Is a Success Despite the Weather

The early spring chill wasn’t enough to keep nearly 400 agents, company representatives and industry colleagues from showing up at The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc.’s Long Island Regional Awareness Program, LIRAP 2003. The event, held at …

War in Iraq: The Known and Unknown Consequences

As President Bush and his advisers made good on their defiant promise to act alone if necessary to get rid of Iraq’s tyrannical régime, the world heard echoes of Mark Antony’s cry of rage and revenge, “Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let …

War in Iraq: The Known and Unknown Consequences for the Industry

As President Bush and his advisors made good on their defiant promise to act alone if necessary to get rid of Iraq’s tyrannical régime, the world heard echoes of Mark Antony’s cry of rage and revenge – “Cry ‘Havoc!’ and …

Jay Levy to Receive PIANY Louis A. Morelli Memorial Award

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. announced that Jay Levy, president and co-CEO of The Morstan General Agency, will receive the Louis A. Morelli Memorial award at a formal presentation on April 3 at the PIANY Long …

Allianz: No Plans to Cancel Airline Coverage, EU Prepares Back-up Help

Germany’s Allianz AG, one of the largest providers of coverage to the European Community’s air carriers, has issued a statement indicating that, while it has no plans to cancel coverage on flights headed for the Middle East, its customers were …

No Cancellations on Gulf Related Coverage – Yet, But Insurers Warn of Surcharges

Despite the onset of the long anticipated war with Iraq, there have as yet been no outright cancellations of coverage relating to the Persian Gulf Region. Many insurance companies, however, have warned that they will impose surcharges for airlines and …

Workers’ Comp Coverage Varies for Civilian Workers Injured in Acts of War

Military personnel depend on the U.S. government for compensation, but for civilians who may be subject to war risk while living or traveling abroad, the issue is not so cut-and-dried, according to the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII). The …

Inreon Offers Facultative Liability Reinsurance, Demand and Capacity Set to Grow

Inreon, the Internet trading platform launched by Munich Re and Swiss Re, announced that it has expanded its scope to offer reinsurance buyers facultative liability cover via the platform from a panel of blue chip reinsurers. It also announced plans …

AIG’s Terrorism Meeting Focuses on Security

In the words of security consultant Brian Jenkins, “There will be further incidents of terrorism.” Jenkins, speaking at AIG’s “Terrorism: The Cost of Risk” meeting in Los Angeles, described the recent “erosion of self-imposed restraints” that security personnel have noted …

Holocaust Insurance Claims Panel Faces Recriminations over Delays

Many European countries observed Sunday, Jan. 27 as Holocaust Memorial Day, a time set aside to honor the memory of the 12 million human beings—over six million of them Jewish—who perished at the hands of the Nazis during World War …