Israel News

Ark. commissioner: Regulators have dual role

Testifying before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 11, Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Julie Benafield Bowman, told lawmakers that insurance regulators have the dual responsibility of ensuring the solvency of insurance companies, and making sure …

Ark. commissioner: Regulators have dual role

Testifying before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 11, Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Julie Benafield Bowman, told lawmakers that insurance regulators have the dual responsibility of ensuring the solvency of insurance companies, and making sure …

Ark. Commissioner Speaks to Senate Committee on State of P/C Industry

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Julie Benafield Bowman testified before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 11 on the overall state of the property/casualty insurance market and its regulatory landscape. Speaking in support of state-based insurance …

Holocaust insurance claims top $300 million

The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims concluded its claims processes. More than $300 million in awards were distributed to more than 48,000 Holocaust survivors and their heirs. The ICHEIC was established in 1998 by the National Association of …

Holocaust insurance claims top $300 million

The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims concluded its claims processes. More than $300 million in awards were distributed to more than 48,000 Holocaust survivors and their heirs. The ICHEIC was established in 1998 by the National Association of …


All eyes on Allstate “I will carefully monitor Allstate’s actions throughout this process to ensure that policyholders entitled to reinstatement are fully protected.” — Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon commenting on the settlement his department reached with the insurer …


All eyes on Allstate “I will carefully monitor Allstate’s actions throughout this process to ensure that policyholders entitled to reinstatement are fully protected.” — Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon commenting on the settlement his department reached with the insurer …

Holocaust Insurance Claims Appeals Conclude; $300 Million Awarded to Survivors

The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) announced that its claims and appeals processes have concluded. More than $300 million in awards were distributed to more than 48,000 Holocaust survivors and their heirs. The ICHEIC was established in …


Markel Insurance Co. named Thomas K. “Smitty” Smith vice president of marketing. Smith joins Markel after three years as senior vice president and managing director of the Richmond, Va., branch of Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, which he established. AIR …

People and Places

Markel Insurance Co. named Thomas K. “Smitty” Smith vice president of marketing. Smith joins Markel after three years as senior vice president and managing director of the Richmond, Va., branch of Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, which he established. AIR …