Israel News

Calif. Fraud Ring Lands Three in Jail

Three suspects have been arrested following an 11-month investigation by the California Department of Insurance of an auto insurance fraud ring that targeted car rental and insurance companies for fraudulent automobile damage claims. On Oct. 6, 2005, a 75-count complaint …

Calif. Fraud Ring Lands Three in Jail

Three suspects have been arrested following an 11-month investigation by the California Department of Insurance of an auto insurance fraud ring that targeted car rental and insurance companies for fraudulent automobile damage claims. On Oct. 6, 2005, a 75-count complaint …

Remembering the End of the Great War

Paris: Somber, gray leaden skies cover Paris, as dignitaries gather to commemorate the 87th anniversary of the end of what the French call La Grande Guerre. The weather matches France’s somber mood at the moment, following the recent riots. Nevertheless …

Urban Unrest Unsettles France as Riots Continue to Spread

France experienced its 11th straight night of urban rioting on Sunday, Nov. 6, as disaffected youths in the suburbs of Paris and other cities staged hit and run attacks. Saturday night the troubles surfaced in Paris, as several hundred youths …

Calif. Auto Insurance Fraud Ring Lands Three Suspects in Jail

Three suspects have been arrested following an 11-month investigation by the California Department of Insurance of an auto insurance fraud ring that targeted car rental and insurance companies for fraudulent automobile damage claims. On Oct. 6, 2005, a 75-count complaint …

R.I. Court Mandates Mediation for All Med-Mal Cases in Providence County

Hoping to streamline the handling of cases, the Rhode Island Superior Court is experimenting with a mandatory mediation program for all medical malpractice cases assigned to the trial calendar in Providence County. Since the Sept. 23 effective date of the …

Heartbreak Aside, Emergency Rooms Quieter When Red Sox Make Playoffs

When is a medical emergency really an emergency? Not during key Boston Red Sox games, report investigators from Children’s Hospital Boston in a letter published in the October issue of Annals of Emergency Medicine. Although previous studies have found a …

Second Vioxx Trial to Open in N.J. as Suits Against Merck Multiply

Beleaguered drug maker Merck & Co.’s request to postpone the next trial over its withdrawn painkiller Vioxx has been turned down by the judge presiding over the case. Superior Court Judge Carol E. Higbee, who is overseeing nearly 2,500 Vioxx …

Second Vioxx Trial to Open in N.J. as Suits Against Merck Multiply

Beleaguered drug maker Merck & Co.’s request to postpone the next trial over its withdrawn painkiller Vioxx has been turned down by the judge presiding over the case. Superior Court Judge Carol E. Higbee, who is overseeing nearly 2,500 Vioxx …


Some of Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospitals may add a lesson for their doctors: how to say sorry. The Boston Globe reported that a national specialist on patient safety, Dr. Lucian Leape, has helped the hospitals draft the policy for …