Italy News

IPC Sale to Validus Includes ‘Storm-proof’ Agreement

IPC Holdings, the Bermuda catastrophe reinsurer that attracted interest from more than a dozen bidders, held out for a storm-proof agreement before agreeing to a sale to rival Validus Holdings The $1.65 billion cash-and-stock deal, still to be approved by …

Int’l. Chamber of Commerce Lauds Recent G8 Steps on Climate Change

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published a bulletin welcoming the steps taken by G8 leaders at the recent summit in L’Aquila, Italy “to develop an effective response to climate change that meets economic, social and energy needs, most …

Validus Wins IPC; Industry ‘Think Tank’ Warns on Climate Change; Partner Re to Acquire PARIS RE

The contest to acquire IPC Holding appears to be over. Validus Holdings, the formerly unwelcome suitor, whose rival bid ended Max Capital’s effort to take over IPC, has emerged as the winner. Validus finally came up with $1.65 billion in …

G8 Makes Scant Progress to Copenhagen Climate Pact

The G8 summit made scant progress towards a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed in December with some nations back-pedaling on promises of new action even before the end of a meeting in Italy. “This hasn’t given me …

G8 Eyes Climate as Summit Includes Emerging Powers

Leaders of the world’s richest nations and major developing powers meet on Thursday to seek common ground on global warming and international trade, with the poorer countries seeking concessions. U.S. President Barack Obama will chair the climate discussions, but hopes …

Accident Victims To Appeal GM Bankruptcy Plan Over Pending Lawsuits

Groups representing plaintiffs in car accidents are opposing General Motors’ attempt to quickly exit bankruptcy protection, arguing that hundreds of victims could be hurt by the government-led plan. U.S. Judge Robert Gerber approved a crucial step of the plan late …

‘New’ GM Agrees to Assume Future Liability Claims of ‘Old’ GM Products

General Motors Corp. has agreed to take on responsibility for future product liability claims, removing what could have been a sizable roadblock on the automaker’s path to a quick sale of its assets and emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy as …

World Legislators Warn G8 Must Take the Lead on Climate Change

Legislators from around the world called on G8 nations on Friday to take the lead on climate change by slashing their carbon output and promising hundreds of billions of dollars to help poorer countries adapt. One hundred parliamentarians from rich …

Int’l. Chamber of Commerce Calls on G8 to Avoid Economic Nationalism

“The G8 summit should resist pressures to resort to economic nationalism and should further strengthen international cooperation to meet the challenges posed by the global recession, climate change and product counterfeiting,” said a bulletin from the International Chamber of Commerce …

The Globalized Broker Network

Assurex Global Struck Gold with Partners Around the World Assurex Global Year Founded: 1954 Locations: 500 offices on six continents Employees: 20,000 Annual Premium Volume: $28 billion Annual Revenue: $3.4 billion Assurex Global wasn’t fully “global” until the late 1990s, …