Italy News

A.M. Best Affirms ‘A’ (Excellent) Rating of Societa Cattolica di Assicurazione

A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) of Italy’s Societa Cattolica di Assicurazione Coop a RL (Cattolica) with a “stable” outlook. “The rating reflects the company’s excellent consolidated risk-adjusted capitalisation, excellent operating performance and established …

ZFS Affirmed

A.M. Best Co. affirmed the “A” (Excellent) financial strength ratings of Zurich Financial Services Group (ZFS) and its core operating subsidiaries. Simultaneously, A.M. Best affirmed the “a” and “a-” ratings on the senior and subordinated debt instruments issued or guaranteed …

S&P’s Outlook on Italian Insurance Market is “Negative,” but “Improving”

Standard & Poor’s has just completed a review of the Italian insurance market, and announced that “the ratings outlook for the market is negative, reflecting an expected downward trend in insurer financial strength ratings over the coming year.” “Despite improvements …

SAI-Fondiaria Merger Completed; Premafin to Sell Shares

The long delayed merger between Italian insurers SAI and La Fondiaria was officially completed over the weekend, except for a few “details.” Last week’s ruling by Consob, the Italian stock market regulator, requires the merged company’s largest shareholders, the industrial …

SAI-La Fondiaria Merger Approved – On Condition

The long running saga of SAI’s takeover of la Fondiaria in an effort to create Italy’s second largest insurance group, may finally be heading for a conclusion, as two key regulatory agencies, the ISVAP, which regulates Italian insurers, and Consob, …

A.M. Best Affirms Zurich Financial Services ‘A’ (Excellent) Ratings

A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the A (Excellent) financial strength ratings of the Zurich Financial Services Group (ZFS) and its core operating subsidiaries. It also affirmed its “a” and “a-” ratings on the senior and subordinated debt instruments issued or …

They Did It Their Way

When you’re compiling a list of top 10’s, there is always the fear of leaving someone off, admitting someone who maybe does not deserve the billing or having the players out of order of importance. Believe me, those thoughts crossed …

Report Rx for European Insurers Financial Health – $18 Billion Asset Sale

Many European insurers, including the two largest companies, Germany’s Allianz and France’s AXA, may be hanging “For Sale” signs on some of their operations in order to restore their battered finances. The total amount of properties on offer could top …

Fitch Affirms Generali ‘AA’ Rating, Revises Outlook to Negative

Fitch Ratings announced that it has affirmed the Insurer Financial Strength rating of ‘AA’ and the Long-term rating of ‘AA-‘ for Assicurazioni Generali SpA, the major operating insurer and holding entity of the Generali Insurance Group. Fitch also announced, however, …

Consob to Rule on SAI-La Fondiaria Merger by End of this Month

Consob, the Commission charged with regulating Italy’s stock markets, has indicated that it will rule on the validity of the merger between SAI and La Fondiaria before the end of this month. Its decision may bring an end to the …