Italy News

Liverpool To Take Legal Action Against La Fondiaria, SP Issues WatchNeg

The “fat lady” may have sung in the ongoing merger battle between Italy’s La Fondiaria and SAI ( See IJ Website May, 30,31) but some members of the audience, notably the Bermuda-based Liverpool Mutual Fund, are distinctly unhappy with the …

La Fondiaria Agrees to Merge with SAI

After a yearlong battle, Italian insurer La Fondiaria has given up trying to fend of SAI’s merger attempts and has essentially consented to be taken over by the rival Italian company (See IJ Website May 30). While the combination of …

La Fondiaria Shareholders Set to Approve Merger with SAI

The general annual meeting of the shareholders of Italian insurer La Fondiaria, postponed from May 9, is scheduled to take place today and Italian regulators appear to have cleared the way for the approval of Italian insurer SAI’s long delayed …

SAI, La Fondiaria Merger Moves Closer, Full Bid Not Necessary

Italian insurer SAI’s year-long battle to merge with La Fondiaria may be moving towards a successful conclusion, as Consob, the Italian stock market regulator, ruled that the 29 percent stake controlled by J.P. Morgan Chase was an independent holding. The …

Italian Court Rejects Fondiaria Challenge to Shareholder Vote

A court in Florence has rejected the challenge of La Fondiaria to the voting rights of a group of shareholders led by J.P. Morgan Chase, ruling that they should be allowed to vote their 29 percent stake in the company …

La Fondiaria Shareholders’ Meeting May Be Postponed

From news reports it appears likely that today’s shareholders’ meeting of Italian insurer La Fondiaria will probably be postponed until the end of May due to the lack of a quorum. The meeting promised to produce some fireworks. Fondiaria has …

Shakeup at Generali: Gutty, Cerchiai Resign as Joint CEO’s

Confirming rumors that have been floating around the Italian financial community for the last few weeks, Generali, the country’s largest insurer announced at its annual shareholders’ meeting in Trieste on Saturday that it will be headed by only two joint …

Coverage on Milan Tower Unclear

Although most reports agree that Generali SpA, Italy’s largest insurer, wrote the primary coverage on the 30-story Milan building, know locally as Il Pierllone after the tire company that was once headquartered there, it’s still unsure what the damages will …

Munich Re May Enter Fondiaria Fray

Munich Re has held discussions with Italian insurer SAI, which has been trying to engineer a merger with La Fondiaria Assuicurazioni that would create Italy’s second largest p/c company. Problems have arisen, however, because Fondiaria is strongly opposed to SAI’s …

Fondiaria Seeks to Block Votes by JP Morgan and Other Shareholders

La Fondiaria, Italy’s 4th largest insurance company, has filed suit against rival insurer SAI, JP Morgan Chase, Commerzbank and several other shareholders in an attempt to keep them from voting their shares at the annual shareholders meeting, scheduled for April …