Italy News

European Financial Services Round Table Issues Economic Report

A report commissioned by the European Financial Services Round Table (EFR) has concluded that “the completion of the single market for financial services in Europe would create substantial benefits for consumers across Europe and also for economic growth.” The EFR …

Catastrophe Modeling-Feeding the Risk Transfer Food Chain

The increasingly sophisticated business of constructing catastrophe models is driven by three main imperatives: what are the chances of a given event happening; what are the upper and lower limits of a catastrophic occurrence; and what effect, depending on the …

Catastrophe Modeling-Feeding the Risk Transfer Food Chain

The increasingly sophisticated business of constructing catastrophe models is driven by three main imperatives: what are the chances of a given event happening; what are the upper and lower limits of a catastrophic occurrence; and what effect, depending on the …

Toro Withdraws Offer For Fondiaria Shares

Toro, the insurance division of Italy’s Fiat, has withdrawn its offer to acquire a 22 percent stake in Fondiaria, the Italian insurance group which has been the subject of a takeover battle between Toro and another insurer, SAI. The move …

Report Zurich to Withdraw from Polish Market

According to reports in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita the Anglo-Swiss Group Zurich Financial Services plans to withdraw from both the Polish life and property/casualty market. The article suggest that the plans are well advanced and indicates that both Italy’s Generali …

Holocaust Insurance Claims Panel Faces Recriminations over Delays

Many European countries observed Sunday, Jan. 27 as Holocaust Memorial Day, a time set aside to honor the memory of the 12 million human beings—over six million of them Jewish—who perished at the hands of the Nazis during World War …

Fondiaria Shareholder Asserts JP Morgan Must Make Full Takeover Bid

Liverpool Limited Partnership, a Bermuda-based mutual fund, which owns about one percent of the shares of Italy’s Fondiaria, has asserted that JP Morgan Chase, which just agreed to acquire a 22 percent stake in the company, (See IJ Website Feb.4) …

JP Morgan Chase To Buy 22% Stake in Italy’s Fondiaria

U.S. investment bank JP Morgan Chase will enter the convoluted world of Italian finance with its agreement to acquire a 22 percent interest in Italian insurer Fondiaria along with two other investors for € 812 million ($700 million). The shares …

Direct Line to Acquire RSA’s Italian Auto Business

U.K. auto insurer Direct Line, a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland, has agreed to acquire the Italian auto insurance operations of Royal & Sun Alliance for £12 million ($17 million). Direct Line, which takes its name from its …

Eagleburger Briefly Resigns as Holocaust Claims Fund Chairman

Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger reportedly stormed out of a meeting with European insurers yesterday, and abruptly resigned his position as Chairman of the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC); however, after protracted discussions he was persuaded …