Jacobson Aon employment study News

Insurers Say They’re Having Trouble Recruiting New Employees

U.S. insurers want to fill existing positions or expand their staffs over the next year but say they are still having trouble recruiting, even during the COVID-19 pandemic where unemployment has skyrocketed, according to a study from The Jacobson Group …

Insurers Finding It Increasingly Difficult to Fill Vacant Positions

Most insurance companies plan to either maintain current staffing or add new employees over the next 12 months, The Jacobson Group and Aon have found. At the same time, their new Semi-Annual U.S. Insurance Labor Outlook Study determined that companies …

Insurers Looking to Add Jobs in Low Unemployment, High Tech Environment

About 62 percent of insurance companies polled said they intend to increase staff in the next 12 months, according to the latest U.S. Insurance Labor Outlook Study conducted by recruitment firm The Jacobson Group and insurance and professional services firm …