JAMA Internal Medicine News

Harvard/UCLA Study Questions High Costs of Hospital-Based Primary Care

Patients with common conditions such as back pain, headaches and upper respiratory infections are more likely to receive tests and services of uncertain or little diagnostic or therapeutic benefitβ€” so-called low-value care β€”when they seek treatment in primary care clinics …

Current, Ex-Kentucky Governors Battle Over Health Law Legacy

As Republicans in Congress prepare to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s health care law, Kentucky’s current governor and his predecessor are wrestling over the law’s legacy – and both sides claim the state as a case study of …

Out-of-Pocket Hospital Costs Were Rising 6.5% a Year… Before Obamacare

If you have private health insurance, the good news is you may be helping your employer keep its health care spending down. The bad news is it’s coming out of your pocket. The amount that people with private insurance still …

States with More Gun Laws Show Lower Rate of Firearm Fatalities: Study

Having a higher number of firearm laws in a state may be associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities from suicides and homicides, according to a study of all 50 states published by JAMA Internal Medicine. More than 30,000 …