Jamaica News

As Gustav Winds Down, New Orleans Eyes Damage

A still-largely deserted New Orleans Tuesday prepared to take stock of damage from Hurricane Gustav after rebuilt levees appeared to hold off a repeat of the flooding caused by Katrina three years earlier. Gustav roared through the heart of the …

RMS, AIR Tracking Gustav

“Gustav looks set to make landfall early next week as it continues to intensify along its path. Forecasts suggest that it will strike on the US Gulf coast on Tuesday morning, potentially as a category 2 or 3 hurricane,” according …

Killer Storm Gustav Gains Strength; Could Threaten U.S. Gulf Coast

After causing more than 20 deaths in Haiti, Tropical Storm Gustav is now heading for Cuba, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. The latest update from Miami’s National Hurricane Center indicates that Gustav is gaining strength, as it moves over the …

Forecasters Warn Gustav Could be Major Hurricane When It Reaches Gulf States Monday

Tropical Storm Gustav shifted course slightly on Thursday morning and moved toward the Jamaica, and forecasters predicted it would be a powerful hurricane by the time it reaches the Gulf of Mexico. “The re-formation of the center has caused a …

Hurricane Gustav Forms South of Haiti

The National Hurricane Center in Miami posted an interim bulletin, noting that tropical storm Gustav has reached hurricane strength. The NHC has been tracking the storm for several days, as it slowly formed south of the coast of the Dominican …

Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Board Appointments

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced the appointment of Isaac Anthony and Dr. Warren Smith to its board. They will represent the interests of CARICOM (“Caribbean Community,” a business development organization – http://www.caricom.org) and the Caribbean Development Bank …

Traveler Trying to Carry Potential Explosives on Plane Arrested in Florida

A man was arrested Tuesday in Florida at Orlando International Airport carrying materials in his luggage that could have been used for an explosive device, FBI officials said. Federal behavioral specialists spotted Kevin Brown acting suspicious around noon in the …

Federal Court in NYC Chides Immigration Lawyers

Immigrants seeking legal status in the United States are being victimized with disturbing frequency by their lawyers, a federal appeals panel said. After criticizing the work done and not done by defense lawyers, the three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. …

Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Facility Receives $2.4 Million from Ireland

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced that the Irish government has approved a $2.4 million contribution to the Caribbean risk pooling fund. “The contribution is the latest addition to the donor fund supporting the CCRIF, which was launched …

Caribbean Cat Risk Facility Announces Changes for Renewals

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) announced the approval of several new measures to be implemented for the 2008 renewal period. “The changes are all meant to further satisfy the objective of the CCRIF member governments, which is to …