James Saft News

How Driverless Cars Could Disrupt Investors

The development of self-driving cars is a good example of how, and why, the future may be a less profitable place for investors. Volvo Cars, one of scads of technology and automotive firms working along the same lines, last week …

Alibaba’s Ma vs. Berkshire’s Buffett; Lottery vs. Insurance: Saft

Jack Ma and Warren Buffett embody two great and contrasting businesses in finance. One sells lottery tickets and the other sells insurance. Ma pulled off the largest-ever IPO last week when he floated Alibaba in what might be called the …

Saft Commentary: The Fed Discovers Chicanery

Acknowledging that sometimes banks chisel clients and bank employees chisel banks may sound obvious to you, but for the Federal Reserve this is a pretty big step forward. Jeremy Stein, a member of the Board of Governors of the Fed, …

Reuters Columnist James Saft on Europe’s Credit Crunch; Bank Capital

Europe looks to be entering a credit crunch, with loans harder to get and those that are made coming on tougher terms. Strikingly, banks are being tight despite falling demand for credit, pointing to a nasty interaction between the economy, …

Death of the Treasury Benchmark: James Saft Commentary

A U.S. default or debt downgrade may set off market fireworks but the longer-term effects of the death of Treasury bonds as a universal benchmark of risk may ultimately be more significant. The U.S. appears to be slouching towards a …