January 2017 renewals News

April 1 Renewals Saw ‘Disciplined Softening’ with Ample Capacity: Aon & Willis Re

With abundant capacity, aggressive capital market competition and acceptable returns for global reinsurers, it’s no wonder that the elusive bottom of soft market pricing was not evident at the April 1 renewals. During 2016, global reinsurers generated “an acceptable, though …

Solvency II Drives Demand for Reinsurance During 1/1 Renewals: Fitch

The January renewals period show that Solvency II will increase demand for reinsurance products as European insurers attempt to strengthen their capital position through risk transfers, Fitch Ratings said. The main beneficiaries are likely to be the financially strongest reinsurers …

Decline in Reinsurance Prices Slowed at January Renewal: Carpenter

Reinsurance pricing continued trending downward at the Jan. 1, 2017 renewal — across most classes of business and geographies, but the pace of that decline is slowing, according to Guy Carpenter & Co. Although several sectors experienced increased loss activity, …

Reinsurers Can Expect Another Difficult Year, Seeking Price Stabilization: Willis Re

Despite a 50 percent increase in insured losses from natural catastrophes during 2016, the global reinsurance industry achieved profitable results for the third quarter and remains on track to close out another profitable full year, according to a report published …