Japan nuclear safety News

Tepco Will Not Pursue Compensation from GE, Other Suppliers Over Nuclear Disaster

Tokyo Electric Power Co. shareholders rejected a proposal to look into pursuing claims for compensation against companies that supplied parts for the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, including General Electric Co. Shareholders at Thursday’s annual general meeting for the company known …

Japan Nuclear Agency Halts Test Reactor Over Safety

Japan’s nuclear watchdog announced Wednesday that the nation’s trouble-plagued next-generation test reactor will not be allowed to restart due to safety violations, dealing a setback to the country’s pro-nuclear government. The Nuclear Regulation Authority’s decision is the latest blow to …

Japan’s Clean-Up from 2011 Tsunami, Nuclear Accident Lagging

Two years after the triple calamities of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster ravaged Japan’s northeastern Pacific coast, debris containing asbestos, lead, PCBs — and perhaps most worrying — radioactive waste due to the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant looms as …

Japan Nuclear Plant Planned Review of Tsunami Risk- But Too Late

Four days before a tsunami devastated a Japanese nuclear plant, its operator promised a fuller assessment of the risk of such a disaster — but not for seven months. The disclosure in a three-page briefing paper obtained by The Associated …

Japan Reported Ready to Join Compensation Pact for Nuclear Victims

Japan will join at least four other nations in a pact to help compensate victims of nuclear accidents in member countries, a newspaper reported on Friday, as it continues to grapple with the aftermath of the world’s worst atomic disaster …

Japan Governor Wants Nuclear Safety Pledge in Writing

Japanese governor Tokihiro Nakamura believes nuclear power is vital for the resource-poor land, but even he says the central government must put safety pledges in writing before he’ll agree to restart off-line reactors — a sign of the tough battle …

Japan Cabinet Approves Cap on Nuclear Reactor Lifespan

Japan’s Cabinet approved bills Tuesday aimed at bolstering nuclear safety regulations following last year’s Fukushima disaster, including one that would put a 40-year cap on the operational life of nuclear reactors. The approval came as a team of International Atomic …