Japan News

InsWeb Marketplace Debuts in Japan

InsWeb Marketplace Debuts in Japan Through a joint venture with SOFTBANK Finance Corp., InsWeb has launched an online marketplace for consumers in Japan at www.insweb.co.jp. The new site features five leading auto insurers competing in the world’s second-largest insurance market. …

Allianz Comes Out the ‘Big Winner’ In German Bank Merger

On March 9, the German financial world quaked with the announcement that Deutsche Bank (DB), Germany’s largest bank, planned to merge with cross-town rival Dresdner Bank. Insurance giant Allianz AG was a driving force behind the deal and stands to …

RMS Indicates Sorema Cat Bond Won’t Be Hit

Risk Management Solutions (RMS) announced that, based on its loss modeling analyses, it does not expect Windstorms Lothar and Martin to be termination events to the catastrophe bond issued by Halyard Re SPV on behalf of Sorema SA (Paris). The …

Japanese P/C Insurers Find Three’s a Crowd

Japan’s third largest p/c insurer, Mitsui Marine and Fire Insurance Co., has bowed out of an alliance agreement announced in October with Nippon Fire and Insurance Co. and Koa Fire and Insurance Co. The cause of the breakdown in negotiations …

Moderate Earthquake Shakes Japan

Japan’s main island was shaken by a pair of moderate earthquakes Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, AP reported. The first quake struck at 4:14 p.m. and was centered about in Iwate state, about 240 …

AIG Japan to Launch New Consumer Magazine

American International Group is launching a consumer-targeted magazine in Japan called Success Stories: Japan. Readers can learn about American International Group’s (NYSE:AIG – news) new strategy to win loyalty from millions of Japan policyholders even before the company announces it. …

Zurich Acquires Stake in New China Life

Zurich Financial Services announced that it has acquired a 10 percent stake in China’s fourth largest life insurance company, New China Life, for $ 39 million. Zurich is part of a group of investors which includes the World Bank International …