Japan News

‘Freak Wave’ Damages Japan Supertanker in Strait of Hormuz

A Japanese oil tanker damaged by a freak wave in the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, was making its way to a port in the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday. The ship’s owners reported …

BP’s Partners Will Not Set Up Gulf Oil Claims Fund

The two oil companies that are BP’s partners in the now-capped oil well told Congress Thursday they will not set aside money for cleanup costs along the Gulf Coast because it is BP’s responsibility. Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and MOEX, a …

China Braces for Typhoon Conson; Vietnam Evacuates Thousands

Southern China on Friday battened down to await the arrival of Typhoon Conson, gathering strength over the South China Sea, and Vietnam deployed nearly 3,000 troops to areas in the path of the storm. Swollen rivers and landslides have killed …

Toyota Says Drivers, Not Throttle, to Blame for Unintended Acceleration

Toyota Motor Corp. said on Wednesday its investigation of nearly 2,000 cases of unintended acceleration had found no problem with its electronic throttle system, and that driver error was to blame in some cases. The world’s top automaker made the …

The Growing Risks of Social Media

Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Something similar can be said to explain why companies are paying more attention to social media these days — because that’s where the consumers are. …

IMF Raises 2010 World Wide GDP Forecast; Flags European Risks

The International Monetary Fund upgraded its 2010 global growth forecast on Thursday, citing robust expansion in Asia and renewed U.S. private demand, but warned the euro area’s debt crisis posed a big risk to recovery. The IMF said the euro …

Report IDs Pacific Northwest as ‘Mega-Earthquake’ Hotspot

The Pacific Northwest is one of five regions in the world most likely to see a mega-earthquake, according to a new report. “When The Earth Moves: Mega-Earthquakes To Come?” published by Aon Benfield in conjunction with the Aon Benfield UCL …

How to Manage the Growing Risks of Social Media

Advertising, Defamation, Privacy and Security Laws All at Issue Asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” Something similar can be said to explain why companies are paying more attention to social media …

G20 Leaders Views on Economy, Budget Deficits, Bank Regulation, Yuan

World leaders agreed Sunday to take different paths for cutting budget deficits and making their banking systems safer, a reflection of the uneven and fragile economic recovery in many countries. The following are highlights from quotes by leaders and other …

Insurers Revive Cat Bond Market

Insurers are issuing catastrophe bonds again to complement traditional and cheaper reinsurance and to spread the risks in buying protection against events that could cost them tens of billions of dollars in claims. The nascent cat bond market froze for …