Japan News

Converium Sues SCOR in U.S. Court for Securities Law Violations

Converium’s management fired another salvo in its ongoing battle to prevent a takeover by France’s SCOR Group (See IJ web site April 16). The Swiss-based reinsurer has filed a lawsuit in the U.s. Court for the Southern District of New …

Assurex Assesses Asian Market Opportunities, ‘Pitfalls’

Assurex Global Partners assembled “more than 100” members “from six continents” at its annual Spring Partners’ Conference, held recently in Hong Kong, where they “discussed the intricacies of doing business in this part of the world.” The bulletin notes that, …

Ark. Commissioner Speaks to Senate Committee on State of P/C Industry

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Julie Benafield Bowman testified before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 11 on the overall state of the property/casualty insurance market and its regulatory landscape. Speaking in support of state-based insurance …

Neb. Slaughterhouse Subject to Beef Ban Cited for Alleged Safety Violations

Four months after beef from a Hastings slaughterhouse was rejected in South Korea over fears of mad cow disease, the slaughterhouse owner faces $180,900 in fines related to 37 alleged safety and health violations. The citations against Premium Protein Products …

It Figures

$5.26 million A hefty pay raise was given to State Farm Insurance’s chairman and CEO after the company posted a record profit last year. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ed Rust Jr. got a $5.26 million raise. He earned $11.66 …

Study claims U.S. ‘tort tax’ amounts to $865 billion cost each year

America’s legal system imposes an economic cost of more than $865 billion, or more than $9,800 per family, every year, according to a new study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. …


$5.26 million A hefty pay raise was given to State Farm Insurance’s chairman and CEO after the company posted a record profit last year. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ed Rust Jr. got a $5.26 million raise. He earned $11.66 …

Study claims U.S. ‘tort tax’ amounts to $865 billion cost each year

News Currents America’s legal system imposes an economic cost of more than $865 billion, or more than $9,800 per family, every year, according to a new study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in …

Aon Re Global Study Finds Reinsurance Rates ‘Flat to Lower’

Aon Re Global’s analysis of reinsurance rates found premiums for “personal lines, standard commercial lines and complex commercial lines,” are “likely to be flat to lower during mid-year renewals of property catastrophe reinsurance programs.” Aon Re even found evidence of …

Officials Laud New Japanese Quake Alert System

Authorities hailed Japan’s new earthquake alert system as a success this week after it allowed officials to issue a tsunami warning just one minute after a magnitude 6.9 quake jolted the country’s coast a day earlier. The quake early last …