JD Power customer satisfaction News

Homeowners Insurance Customer Satisfaction at 7-Year Low

With 28 catastrophic weather events in 2023 causing nearly $93 billion in damage, customer service satisfaction plunged to a seven year low, according to the latest J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Property Claims Satisfaction Study released today. More extreme weather events …

Usage-Based Insurance Surges as Customers Dissatisfied With Auto Insurance

About one third of auto insurance customers in the U.S. reported a rate increase in the past year, leading to a growing number moving to usage-based insurance (UBI). This has led to the largest decline in customer satisfaction in 20 …

Auto Insurance Claims Satisfaction Continued to Rise During Pandemic

Having fewer auto insurance claims during the coronavirus pandemic appears to have given insurers time to refine their customer experience and deliver higher higher quality claims service. According to the J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Auto Claims Satisfaction Study, a 22% …

The Bad News About High Auto Insurance Customer Satisfaction

Record high customer satisfaction among auto insurance customers is clearly good news for customers, especially at a time when their overall customer experience is being tested by the rising cost of auto insurance. For insurers, on the other hand, record …

Why Customer Satisfaction Is Falling for Large Auto Insurers, Rising for Small: J.D. Power

After climbing in each of the past two years, customer satisfaction is falling among the nation’s largest auto insurers, while satisfaction is actually up a tad for small insurers. This rising dissatisfaction with large carriers is in turn driving overall …

What Insurance Industry Can Learn from Amazon About Customer Satisfaction

Amazon.com scored its sixth annual victory in the 24/7 Wall Street Customer Service Hall of Fame last year, with 59 percent of customers reporting that they received excellent customer service from the e-commerce giant. That score surpassed the number two …