Jeff Grady News

As FAIA Chief Grady Says Goodbye, He Shares His Top 10 Moments

For 22 years, the Florida Association of Insurance Agents has been led by Jeff Grady, president and chief executive officer, who admits that when he started all those years ago he did not expect to “fall in love with insurance …

Florida Lawmakers OK Clearinghouse for Citizens Business; Agents Face Changes

Florida lawmakers approved legislation that seeks to slow the growth of the state-backed property insurer by diverting new policies into the private market while largely retaining the status quo for the insurer’s current 1.27 million policyholders. By an overwhelming margin …

Florida Eases Surplus Lines ‘Due Diligence’ Rule for Agents

Florida insurance agents should have an easier time placing commercial policies with surplus lines carriers under a new law that allows them to offer the coverage without first scouring the admitted market for the coverage. For years, Florida required retail …

Florida Agents’ Leader Grady Cites Progress, Disappointments on Reform

For those in the industry, Florida’s recent legislative session was a long march as they tried to navigate through a process that initially promised much in the form of a new governor and strong pro-business majorities in both the House …