Jerry Sandusky scandal News

Philadelphia Judge to Release Sandusky Settlement Records

A Philadelphia judge has ordered the public release of sealed documents from a lawsuit that could reveal details about a claim that a boy told Penn State football coach Joe Paterno in 1976 that Jerry Sandusky had molested him. Judge …

Penn State Seeks Appeal in Sandusky Claims Coverage Dispute

Penn State wants permission to appeal a judge’s ruling denying it insurance coverage for certain child sexual abuse claims related to former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The Legal Intelligencer said Monday university lawyers filed a motion last week seeking …

Media Groups Ask Judge for Access to Sandusky Insurance Case Records

Several media organizations want a judge to make public sealed court records in a dispute between Penn State and an insurance company over settlement payments to people who said former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky abused them as …

New Legal Document Reignites Debate About What Paterno Knew When

A new legal document that claims a boy told Joe Paterno in 1976 that Jerry Sandusky had molested him has dropped like a bombshell and reignited debate about what the Penn State coach knew about his longtime assistant decades before …

Report: Penn State’s Sandusky Settlements Total Nearly $93M

Penn State settled with six more victims or accusers of Jerry Sandusky, according to a new audit that puts the school’s total payout in the child sex abuse scandal at nearly $93 million. The university’s audited financial statements for the …

Pennsylvania Priest Case Could Affect Penn State Trial

A court decision reversing the landmark conviction of a Roman Catholic priest could have big implications for the upcoming trial of three former Penn State administrators, according to legal experts and lawyers involved in the case. The state Superior Court …

Expenses for Penn State Scandal Near $52M

Penn State’s costs related to the Jerry Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal are nearing $52 million. A university website shows the school has racked up just under $51.8 million in expenses as of Aug. 31. That’s up $1.3 million from the …

Penn State Announces $59.7M Settlement With Sandusky Victims

Penn State officials announced Monday that over the past few months the university has reached agreement with 26 of the victims of former assistant football coach Gerald Sandusky. The aggregate dollar amount paid by the university for the 26 settled …

Ex-Penn State Coach Sandusky’s Conviction Upheld on Appeal

Former Pennsylvania State University Coach Jerry Sandusky, who was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison for sexually abusing boys, failed to persuade a state appeals court that he deserved a new trial. Sandusky said his trial lawyers had …

More Settlements Near in Penn State Abuse Talks

Negotiations between Penn State and young men who claim they were abused by Jerry Sandusky have begun to bear fruit, with lawyers involved saying there will be more announcements of settlements in the coming days. The school’s trustees have set …