John Graham News

Viewpoint: Post-Pandemic: Will Employers or Workers Have Upper Hand?

It’s been a year now since we came under the relentless domination of the coronavirus. After all this time, the picture isn’t pleasant. The end is uncertain and the implications for the future are far from clear. McKinsey reports that …

Top 13 Ways Salespeople Fail Their Customers

Salespeople are always alert for “buying signals,” those indications that the customer is ready to say yes. When this happens, the savvy salesperson knows it’s time to stop talking and ask for the order. But salespeople often miss the warning …

Bad Attitudes That Get in the Way of Success at Work

“Martha has so much going for her, but she could be doing so much more for herself.” How many people do you know or work with like that? What keeps us from getting to where we want to be or …

7 Actions for Closing Out 2015 As If It Were a New Year

Every year, we do it on the same day at the same time. The instant the calendar changes from the old year to the new one, we convince ourselves that this year will be different. We’re going to do everything …