joint and several liability News

South Carolina Bars, Eateries Closing Down for Lack of Affordable Liability Coverage

Wanted in South Carolina: $1 million in liquor liability coverage at an affordable premium to prevent closure of establishment. That’s the type of advertisement one can imagine bars and bistros across the Palmetto State running this fall, as the full …

Canadian Municipalities Face Surging Liability Insurance Costs

TORONTO – Canadian municipalities reeling from a pandemic-driven hit to revenues are facing an added blow from surging liability insurance costs, forcing them to raise property taxes or even cut services for residents. The increase in premiums, about 20% to …

Oregon Threatens To Decertify Workers’ Comp Group

Oregon insurance regulators said that they’ve taken the first steps toward decertifying a workers’ compensation self-insurance trust and will shut it down next week if the employers can’t come up with $750,000. The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services …