joint employer standard News

Biden Vetoes Bid to Repeal US Labor Board Rule on Contract, Franchise Workers

President Joe Biden followed through on Friday on his vow to veto a Republican-backed measure that would have repealed a U.S. labor board rule treating companies as the employers of many of their contract and franchise workers and requiring them …

Judge Blocks NLRB Rule on Contract and Franchise Workers

A federal judge in Texas on Friday struck down a U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule that would treat many companies as employers of certain contract and franchise workers and require them to bargain with unions representing them. U.S. …

Business Groups Sue Labor Board to Block Contract, Franchise Worker Rule

Several major U.S. business groups sued a federal labor board on Nov. 9, seeking to strike down a rule treating many companies as employers of contract and franchise workers and requiring them to bargain with their unions. The groups led …

Union Sues to Overturn Trump-Era Rule that Narrowed Definition of ‘Joint Employer’

The union behind the “Fight for $15” movement is suing to overturn a Trump-era rule that makes it harder to hold companies like McDonald’s Corp. and Inc. accountable for violations of franchised or sub-contracted workers’ rights. In a lawsuit …

Trump Labor Rule That Narrows ‘Joint Employer’ Standard Struck Down by Judge

A federal judge on Tuesday struck down a Trump administration rule that narrowed the definition of “joint employer,” and which the attorneys general of 17 states and Washington, D.C. said would eliminate important labor protections for workers. U.S. District Judge …

Trump Nominee Kaplan to Tilt Labor Board to Republican Majority

President Donald Trump was poised on Tuesday to nominate Washington lawyer Marvin Kaplan to the National Labor Relations Board, nudging the agency toward a Republican majority that could overturn a series of decisions that have riled businesses. Late on Monday, …

House Labor Panel Chair Foxx Ready to Take on Unions, Democrats

The incoming chair of the congressional panel that oversees labor issues on Monday questioned the need for unions and said she wants to repeal various Obama administration labor policies. Organized labor has “sort of lost its reason for being” because …

Joint Employer Ruling Hikes Parent Companies’ Liability, Unions’ Bargaining Power

A major ruling handed down on Thursday by the U.S. National Labor Relations Board could give unions greater bargaining power by enabling them to negotiate directly with large parent companies like McDonald’s that rely heavily on franchisees and contractors. The …

Franchise Parents, Staffing Firms Ruled Joint Employers Under Labor Law

More companies may be held responsible for labor-law violations committed by contractors and forced to negotiate wages and benefits with their workers under a decision by a politically split U.S. labor board. The National Labor Relations Board, in a closely …

NLRB’s McDonald’s Ruling Raising Liability Concerns for Franchise Operators

Under Democratic President Barack Obama, the U.S. National Labor Relations Board has been taking a stance on workplace relations that has employers, industry groups and Republican lawmakers voicing alarm. NLRB General Counsel Richard Griffin announced on Tuesday that McDonald’s, not …