jury awards News

California Increasing Awards in Medical Malpractice Cases

People who get hurt because of a doctor’s negligence in California could soon get a lot more money in malpractice lawsuits under an agreement reached Wednesday that – if approved by the state Legislature – would avoid a costly fight …

Montana Jury Awards $36.5M to Former Libby Miner With Lung Disease

A Montana jury has awarded $36.5 million in damages to an Oregon man who suffers from lung disease because of exposure to asbestos while working at a vermiculite mine in Libby, a bellwether case that could affect hundreds of additional …

Malpractice Claims Against Hospitals Hold Steady But Severity Increases

The frequency of hospital professional liability claims is holding steady, but the cost of those claims is expected to increase by 3% next year, according to an actuarial analysis by Aon and the American Society of Health Care Risk Management. …

Can Commercial Auto Insurers Get to Profit Before Autonomous Vehicles Arrive?

Commercial auto insurance hasn’t produced an industrywide combined ratio below 105 in the United States since 2010, according to a Guy Carpenter analysis, which says the line’s poor performance is a key factor in overall property/casualty underwriting results. “It is …

Republican Lawmakers in Missouri Considering Lawsuit Caps Again

Nearly a decade after Missouri last limited some civil lawsuit awards, Republican lawmakers are organizing to reinstate caps overturned by the state’s highest court. Businesses can now face lawsuits with unlimited punitive damages in civil injury lawsuits after the Missouri …

Montana Court Hears Arguments in Jury-Award Cap Case

The Montana Supreme Court heard arguments Friday in an appeal of a case that could determine whether the state’s $10 million cap on jury awards for punitive damages will stand. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported attorneys debated before the court …

Study: California Low-Wage Workers Cheated Of Awards

A new study says thousands of low-paid California workers were cheated out of money they won against employers who broke the law. The report, to be released Thursday, says many companies escaped judgment by dissolving and taking new names. The …