Justice Charles Ramos News

Greenberg at 90: Still Fighting and Angry After All These Years

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg spent some of his 90th birthday party like he’s spent much of the past decade: angry. As he addressed his family at a lunch at a private estate this month, one of his sons made another laugh. …

Greenberg Wants State’s High Court to Nix New York AG’s Fraud Case

In a last-ditch effort to avoid trial, former American International Group Inc Chairman Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is seeking permission to ask New York’s highest court to throw out the accounting fraud case against him. Greenberg, who turns 90 next month, …

Starr’s Greenberg Loses Bid for Jury, Must Face Judge He Criticized

Former AIG chief Maurice “Hank” Greenberg will have to defend himself against claims of accounting fraud in a non-jury trial conducted by a judge he tried to remove for alleged bias. Justice Charles Ramos of New York state court on …