JUstice Department on BP oil spill News

Judge Approves BP Gulf Oil Spill Settlement

A U.S. judge has accepted an agreement by BP Plc to plead guilty for its role in the Deepwater Horizon disaster and pay $4.0 billion in penalties for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, a court official said …

BP to Pay $4.5 Billion to U.S. for Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc will pay $4.5 billion in penalties and plead guilty to felony misconduct in the Deepwater Horizon disaster that caused the worst offshore oil spill in the country’s history, the company said on Thursday. The settlement includes a $1.256 …

BP Executives Sought to Blame ‘Blue Collar Rig Workers’ for Gulf Oil Spill: U.S.

BP executives wanted to concentrate blame for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster on “blue collar rig workers” in order to save themselves, U.S. government lawyers wrote in a court document that until Thursday was partially redacted. According to the …