Kaiser Family Foundation News

Workers More Likely to Get COVID Vaccine When Employer Encourages It

As more employers return to in-person work, the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor report shows that workers are more likely to have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine when their employer encourages it or provides paid sick leave to get the vaccine …

Estimated 659K Lost Health Coverage in Texas, State with Most Uninsured in U.S.

Job loss stemming from the coronavirus stripped health insurance from an estimated 659,000 Texans between February and May, according to a new study. The analysis, published on July 14 by Families USA, a nonpartisan consumer advocacy group, found that 5.4 …

At $20K a Year, Health Insurance Costs Undermine Job-Based Health Insurance

The cost of family health coverage in the U.S. now tops $20,000, an annual survey of employers found, a record high that has pushed an increasing number of American workers into plans that cover less or cost more, or force …

As Opioid Prescriptions Decline, Abuse Treatment Costs Rise for Health Plans

A new report on the opioid crisis and employer-based health coverage, finds that while the use of prescription opioids among people with employer-based health coverage has declined to its lowest levels in over a decade, the cost of treating addiction …

Individual Health Insurance Market Stabilizing, Not Collapsing: Kaiser

Insurer financial data through the first quarter of 2017 suggest the individual health insurance market has been stabilizing and insurers in this market are regaining profitability, finds a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. “Insurer financial results show no …

Why Employers Are Sending Retirees to Exchanges for Health Insurance

Planning for retirement is tough enough – and it gets even tougher when retirement benefits you expect to receive from an employer are changed on short notice. But a growing number of U.S. employers are capping their risk of rising …

Survey: How Health Insurance Brokers, Navigators Perform Under Obamacare

Insurance brokers play an important role in helping people obtain non-group health insurance from the health insurance marketplaces established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and tend to serve different people than the navigators and other market assistance programs, according …

What American Public Thinks About Affordable Care Act Now: Kaiser

After mostly being split following the Affordable Care Act’s passage in 2010, the public’s views of the law became more negative after the troubled rollout of Healthcare.gov, and this month’s tracking poll by The Kaiser Family Foundation shows that they …

Death Spiral Unlikely for Obamacare: Study

A threat to America’s health insurance overhaul has been that young people would not buy coverage in new marketplaces, possibly pushing the program into a disastrous spiral of falling enrollment and rising premiums. But this worst-case scenario is looking more …