kansas insurance commissioner News

Kansas Insurance Commissioner Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt has been diagnosed with breast cancer and plans to undergo treatment in the coming weeks. Schmidt disclosed the diagnosis in a statement Wednesday. She said she will continue to work as …

McLaughlin Files to Run for Kansas Insurance Commissioner

A retired healthcare company manager who has been active in the NAACP is running for Kansas insurance commissioner as a Democrat. Nathaniel McLaughlin of Kansas City, Kansas, filed for a spot on the August primary ballot. He is the only …

Kansas Assistant Insurance Commissioner Forms Campaign to Run for Top Job

The Kansas insurance commissioner’s chief deputy is interested in running for the top job himself next year. Assistant Insurance Commissioner Clark Shultz appointed a treasurer last month for a campaign for the Republican nomination. It’s a step that allows Shultz …

Industry Exec Elected Insurance Commissioner in Kansas

Kansas voters have elected Republican Ken Selzer, an executive managing director at reinsurance broker Aon Benfield, as the state’s new insurance commissioner. He defeated Democrat Dennis Anderson by a vote of 62 percent to 38 percent, according to the Kansas …

Agents Group to Hold Forum for Kansas Insurance Post Candidates

The candidates for Kansas insurance commissioner are having a forum in October in Wichita. The event is Oct. 17 at the Wichita Marriott hotel and is sponsored by the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents. The forum is part of an …

One More Candidate Joins Kansas Insurance Commissioner Race

Another Republican candidate has filed for the August primary to be the next Kansas insurance commissioner. Ken Selzer, of Leawood, filed his paperwork with the secretary of state on May 20. Selzer is an accountant and a managing director of …

Anderson Launches Campaign for Kansas Insurance Commissioner Post

A Kansas City-area businessman has launched his campaign for Kansas insurance commissioner, with the state’s previous first lady serving as honorary chairwoman. Dennis Anderson of Overland Park is the first announced Democratic candidate in this year’s race to replace three-term …