Kansas News


No social security card? No job. No pictures or videos of household goods? Try getting the insurance company to pay. No cash or credit cards? Good luck getting a hotel room. Retrieving important personal documents may not be the first …

New Markets

HO-3 Homeowners in TexasTITLE: Nuts & Bolts: The Republic Group, based in Dallas, introduced a new Homeowners Form 3 product in Texas. The company said the HO-3 is modeled after the ISO Homeowner form and is an all-perils product with …

Tornados foretell things to come

As emergency planners and hurricane experts from across the U.S. met in April to plan and prepare for the hurricane season, the timing couldn’t have been better, as massive twisters roared down “tornado alley” through Tennessee, Kentucky and even threatened …

New Markets

Architects & Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc. offers architects and engineers errors and omissions insurance through qualifying wholesale brokers. The classes include, but are not limited to, architects/building design, civil engineers, construction staking, electrical engineers, HVAC, interior …


Robert Fenley has joined Integro Insurance Brokerage as principal in their Chicago office. He will report to Nancy Aque, managing principal and head of the office. Fenley has 22 years of experience in the insurance and risk management profession. He …

Editor’s Note: Asbestos reform gaining momentum in the states

Insurers who support the bills now being considered in Michigan say that with reform, resources could be properly allocated to those who are truly ill, and that courts won’t be overburdened with cases that often seek to bankrupt defendants. The …


U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay an estimated $1.38 billion to homeowners and businesses in insured property losses from seven catastrophe events in first-quarter 2006, according to preliminary analysis by Insurance Services Office’s Property Claim Services (PCS) unit. PCS …

Business Moves

CBIZ, Burnham, Colman, Kaelin, & Walker CBIZ Inc. announced it has acquired Burnham, Colman, Kaelin & Walker of St. Joseph, Mo., effective April 1, 2006. Originally founded in 1899 and with offices in St. Joseph and Kansas City, BCK&W is …

New Markets

Architects & Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc. offers architects and engineers errors and omissions insurance through qualifying wholesale brokers. The classes included, but not limited to, architects/building design, civil engineers, construction staking, electrical engineers, HVAC, interior designers …

Editor’s Note: Tornados foretell things to come

As emergency planners and hurricane experts from across the U.S. met in April to plan and prepare for the hurricane season, the timing couldn’t have been better, as massive twisters roared down “tornado alley” through Tennessee, Kentucky and even threatened …