Karen Ignagni News

Health Insurers Face New Scrutiny Over Price Hikes

U.S. health insurance companies that want to increase premiums by 10 percent or more next year would face tougher government scrutiny under new rules proposed Tuesday. The rules, called for under the sweeping healthcare law passed in March, would require …

State Regulators Back Strict Medical Ratio for Health Insurers

U.S. state insurance commissioners unanimously backed tough rules requiring health insurance companies to direct more of the premiums they collect to medical care, rather than corporate salaries and profits. Although the percentages are mandated in the new healthcare law, insurers …

Obama Administration Asks Health Insurers to Embrace Reforms Now

U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who has bashed insurers over rate increases, is seeking their help in making medical coverage accessible for more patients in the years before major reforms take effect. Sebelius, in an interview with Reuters, said she …

Insurance Agents, U.S. Chamber Unhappy with Healthcare Reform

Independent insurance agents are among those today expressing their disappointment with the health care reform bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The House approved the Senate-passed bill and also approved a separate bill that makes changes agreed to …

Obama Health Secretary Keeps Pressure on Health Insurers

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius ratcheted up the pressure on health insurance companies Wednesday, urging them to forgo short-term profits to make coverage more affordable and to stop fighting the Obama administration’s reform effort. She told a health …

Health Insurers Seek Tax, Profit Changes in Health Reform Bill

Health insurance lobbyists are pushing lawmakers to eliminate caps on profits and other administrative spending and delay a hefty, industry-wide tax under the massive healthcare reform legislation being finalized in Congress. Health insurers, which include companies such as Aetna Inc., …

Health Insurers, White House Spar as Healthcare Debate Heats Up

The health insurance industry Thursday struck back at provisions in Congress’ healthcare proposals that it said would do little to curb the nation’s spiraling costs or provide people more affordable coverage. Congress is tip-toeing toward incremental healthcare reform that does …

U.S. Senate Gears Up for First Key Healthcare Reform Vote

Democrats in the U.S. Senate geared up for a fierce battle over a new healthcare reform plan Thursday as Republicans condemned the bill’s price tag and tax hikes before the first crucial test vote Saturday. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid’s …

House Healthcare Overhaul Unveiled

Democrats in the House unveiled a sweeping healthcare overhaul Thursday that would transform the insurance market, create a government-run insurance plan and levy new taxes on the rich. Weeks of closed-door negotiations to merge three House healthcare plans produced a …

Healthcare Battle Turns to Antitrust Law for Malpractice, Health Insurers

Democrats in Congress moved Wednesday to repeal the health insurance industry’s exemption from antitrust laws, cranking up the pressure in a growing battle over President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform plans. The moves were the latest chapter in an escalating feud …