Kaspersky Lab News

New Digital Evidence Emerges of N. Korea Connection to Bangladesh Bank Heist

Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab on Monday said it had obtained digital evidence that bolsters suspicions by some researchers that North Korea was involved in last year’s $81 million cyber heist of the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the Federal …

Data Breaches of Internet Giants & Online Services Pose Major 2017 Cyber Threats

Potential leaks of personal user data collected by internet giants and online services will be one of the major cyber-security threats of 2017, according to computer safety company Kaspersky Lab. “Users have de facto become hostages as today they can’t …

Can Your ‘Smart’ Appliances Be Trusted with Your Personal Data? Probably Not…

Your fridge is getting so smart, security-software maker Kaspersky Lab thinks you probably shouldn’t trust it. As makers of household appliances fill their machines with computer chips to make them smarter, consumers and privacy watchdogs should beware the data collected …

New Spyware Targeting Companies Across the Globe

A previously unknown hacking group variously dubbed “Strider” or “ProjectSauron” has carried out cyber-espionage attacks against select targets in Russia, China, Iran, Sweden, Belgium and Rwanda, security researchers said on Monday. The group, which has been active since at least …

Hackers Target SE Asian Banks, Revealing Campaign Against SWIFT Network

Investigators are examining possible computer breaches at as many as 12 banks linked to SWIFT’s global payments network that have irregularities similar to those in the theft of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank, according to a person familiar …

Bangladesh Hack Opens Door to Attacks on Financial Institutions: Cyber Expert

The founder of cyber-security firm Kaspersky Lab expects more attacks on financial targets after hackers recently stole funds from Bangladesh’s central bank and moved the Russian ruble’s exchange rate. “Criminal innovations that we see in some parts of the world …

Russian Hackers Moved Ruble-Dollar Rate at Regional Bank: Cyber-Security Firm

Hackers used malware to penetrate the defenses of a Russian regional bank and move the ruble-dollar rate more than 15 percent in minutes, according to a Moscow-based cyber-security firm hired to investigate the attack. Russian-language hackers deployed a virus known …

Russia Cracks Down on Financial Hacking Ring, Raiding Moscow Office: Sources

Russian authorities in November raided offices associated with a Moscow film distribution and production company as part of a crackdown on one of the world’s most notorious financial hacking operations, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter. Cyber …

Insurance Doesn’t Tackle Underlying Problem of Cyber Crime: Bloomberg View

Companies are finding a way to minimize the repercussions when their digital security is violated. Unfortunately, they’re turning to the same safeguards that protect the guitar-strumming hands of Keith Richards, the goal-scoring limbs of David Beckham and the most remarkable …

It’s Easy to Get Hacked: Just Connect to Fraudulent Wireless Hotspots

If anyone attending the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week doubts how easy it is to hack smartphones and tablets, Filip Chytry and his team plan to set them straight. By hacking into their devices. Chytry’s company, Prague’s Avast …