KBR Inc. News

Supreme Court Rejects Broader Liability Shield for Military Contractors

The U.S. Supreme Court turned away three KBR Inc. appeals that aimed to provide military contractors with a broader shield from lawsuits over their activities on the battlefield. The nation’s highest court today left intact a group of federal appeals …

Military Contractor KBR Seeks Immunity from Soldiers’ Toxic Exposure Claims

KBR Inc. is invoking federal laws shielding contractors during wartime in an effort to avoid a Texas trial over injuries claimed by troops who were exposed to toxic chemicals while guarding a work site in Iraq. KBR argued this week …

Court: Workers’ Comp Bars Iraq Convoy Drivers’ Suit Against KBR, Halliburton

A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected a lawsuit brought against KBR Inc. and Halliburton Co. by the families of two convoy drivers killed in a 2004 insurgent attack in Iraq. The U.S. Court of Appeal for the 5th Circuit, …