Ken Crerar News

Slimmed-down SMART bill to reform surplus lines insurance regulation; brokers pledge their support

In a step to overhaul the current state of insurance regulation, Reps. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Fla., and Dennis Moore, D-Kan., have introduced legislation that would mandate states to establish a uniform system of regulation for the surplus lines industry. The new …

Brokers Support New Federal Bill to Reform Surplus Lines Insurance Regulation

In a step that is being applauded by insurance brokers, Reps. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-FL, and Dennis Moore, D-KS, have introduced federal legislation requiring states to establish a uniform system of regulation for the surplus lines industry. The new bill is …

Senators introduce Optional Federal Charter legislation

Citing bipartisan support to revamp the insurance industry regulatory system, two U.S. senators unveiled legislation that would allow life and property/casualty insurers to choose federal rather than state regulation under an “optional federal charter” system. U.S. Sens. John Sununu (R-N.H.) …

Senators Introduce Optional Federal Charter Legislation

Citing bipartisan support to revamp the insurance industry regulatory system, two U.S. senators today unveiled legislation that would allow life and property/casualty insurers to choose federal rather than state regulation under an “optional federal charter” system. United States Senators John …

Court Upholds Repeal of Puerto Rico’s Countersignature Law

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has refused to overturn a ruling striking down Puerto Rico’s controversial countersignature law that required non-resident commercial insurance brokers to have the countersignature of a Puerto Rico resident agent before they …

La., Miss. Relief Agencies to Share $125K in Aid from Council Foundation

The Foundation for Agency Management Excellence (FAME), an insurance industry educational foundation of The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers, has identified the three relief agencies in Louisiana and Mississippi that will receive its previously announced grants to aid the …

S.D. Court Strikes Down Countersignature Law

A federal district court judge in South Dakota ruled that the state’s countersignature law is unconstitutional. The ruling means that 50 states have taken action to eliminate the countersignature requirement, although appeals are still pending in several jurisdictions. U.S. District …

S.D. Court Follows Others in Striking Down Countersignature Law

A federal district court judge in South Dakota ruled that the state’s countersignature law is unconstitutional. The ruling means that 50 states have taken action to eliminate the countersignature requirement, although appeals are still pending in several jurisdictions. U.S. District …

Countersignature Laws Now History in 50 States After S.D. Court Ruling

A federal district court judge in South Dakota ruled this week that the state’s countersignature law is unconstitutional. The ruling means that 50 states have taken action to eliminate the countersignature requirement. Eradicating the countersigature laws that bar out-of-state insurance …

CIAB Wins Countersignature Lawsuit in Puerto Rico

The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers, the trade association that represents the nation’s largest commercial P/C and benefits brokers, announced the successful outcome of its lawsuit in Puerto Rico to strike down the territory’s countersignature law. U.S. District Judge …