kentucky farmers News

When Extreme Weather Hits, Smaller Farms Often Pay the Price

Justin Ralph estimates he`s made about 200 trips delivering grain from the fields he farms with his brother and uncle this year. They`re accustomed to using their four semi-trucks to take the harvest from a total of about 800 acres …

Wet Spring Hurts Kentucky Corn, Soybean Farmers

This year’s wet spring season is causing problems for farmers in western Kentucky who are trying to get corn and soybeans planted. The farmers said they have been hurt by the recent series of thunderstorms and torrential rains that have …

Kentucky Farmers See Drop in Cash Receipts

After a period of record cash receipts, Kentucky farmers are feeling the squeeze from lower commodity prices and sluggish exports. University of Kentucky ag economists predicted Dec. 3 that statewide farm cash receipts will drop to $6 billion in 2015. …